Monday, April 26, 2010

Aborting the WRONG Baby

Today's topic is a controversial one that creates tension amongst many people in society, including amongst Christians themselves. Yes - this topic is Abortion - the murder of babies.

That's my stance - abortion is the murder of babies.

I'm not writing this entry to spite people for having had one or believing it is perfectly okay. I'm writing this because a very interesting newsworthy thing happened in Sarasota, Florida.

A woman with twins had decided on a "selective termination" of one of her babies who was identified as having down syndrome. However, the doctor made a mistake and aborted the wrong baby. He had killed a perfectly healthy female baby rather than the 'defected' male baby carrying the markers of down syndrome. He lost his license for this and was involuntarily hospitalized because he said he planned suicide.

Any way you look at this - this abortion of the healthy baby was murder. The mother knows it, the hospital staff knows it, the doctor knows it, and above all God knows it. I guarantee that the mother in all aspects regrets her decision. I guarantee that the doctor is filled with guilt (thus wanting suicide). And I guarantee people reading this are angered that this doctor could make such a mistake. For goodness sakes it made me furious. It made the whole city furious - one can only be filled with anger and sadness when they hear and read this story about a healthy baby whose life was wrongly taken in the womb. It was supposed to be the other baby! BUT hold your thought. If a healthy baby's abortion is murder, then every abortion is murder! Are people today with down syndrome any less human than all of us? No. They are amazing people with personalities and gifts special and unique to them like all of us.

Many healthy babies are being aborted today along with babies with even slight signs of defects. The twin baby with signs of down syndrome was NOT the right baby. The healthy twin baby that was aborted was not alone the wrong baby. ALL babies are the wrong baby.

**If you read this and have had an abortion - Please know that there is forgiveness and grace in God through Christ Jesus our Lord and Savior who takes away the sins of the world, including abortion. May Christ minister to your soul and may the church provide love and care for you. If I may point to a past entry (a reminder for Christians who agree with me and words of hopeful comfort to those who need forgiveness).

*First read about this in Al Mohler's Blog

Friday, April 23, 2010

In the Big Inning, God

note: I'm back. Blogging starts again. I have much to write and to share and I am excited. So here we go.

This past weekend, the college campus ministry with which I serve, KCM, held an all-campus KCM softball tournament. Now, KCM stands for Korean-American Campus Missions. You put a bunch of Koreans together for a competition and what you get is a handful of passion. I mean hard raw passion where everyone goes all out. This meant multiple times a week practices, softball gear purchases, and batting cages.

I didn't go to this year's tournament due to various reasons, but I remember last year I went all out. I bought NEW softball gloves - and I mean expensive ones. I bought NEW softball cleats. I bought NEW softballs. I bought NEW socks. We as a ministry bought NEW softball shirts and hats. I went to almost every practice and even went to batting cages on days practices were not scheduled. I gathered people to play catch and practice throwing. My schedule depended on when softball practices were.

At the tournament itself - every team is set on winning. They want to win - who doesn't?! Moments get filled with intense passion as games get close. People cheer and their entire hearts and facilities get involved in the game - GO BRUINS GO BRUINS! LA KCM! (cause we really are the best). And at the end of the last inning one team stands tall as the victor, the champion of the multi-campus KCM Softball Tournament. Done. Trophy in one hand, Glory in the other.

As a freshmen to now, a graduated senior, I often wondered ... what if... what if we trained that hard, not for softball... but for God. I mean, if I can get so passionately fired up for 1 day of softball games, I have to be able to get passionately fired up for an eternity with God. If I can train hours upon hours with discipline for softball, making time for it in the midst of my busy schedule and my studies and work, then why don't I do the same for God?! Am I REALLY too busy for God? Imagine - all of us reading the Bible together, memorizing scripture, and evangelizing, regularly! Yes I care about winning softball games and tournaments, but in light of winning souls - I'd much rather be a soul winner for Christ.

In that perspective I give UCLA KCM Softball a HUGE Congrats for taking 2nd place. A small congrats to our arch-nemesis USC for being the champions (take the small one cause I'm humbling my Bruin pride to say that). <~~obviously a joke - don't take it personally. And here's to all of us "practicing" for God. Let's do this. There was no "Big-Inning" in softball. In the "Big-Inning," GOD. He is before "Big Inning." And with him there will be no last inning.

*Stevo - i jacked your "Big Inning" = Beginning pun from the jubo for this entry.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Today a Great Savior Died

You really didn't think I was going to write about a great teacher dying and then not talk about a great savior dying did ya?

Blog post to come after Good Friday Service today =]

Get ready for this one.